Learning Unity Android Game Development
Learning Unity Android Game Development was a project from Packt Publishing. The book is an update to Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide covering changes with Unity 5 and Android. It explores the basics of game creation in Unity3D for the Android platform. The chapters begin with the setup of Unity and Android, continuing through the basic needs of any game. A tic-tac-toe game is created first, exploring the creation of interfaces. A tank battle game is created second, covering the importing of models, textures and animations, the setup of lights, and working with pathfinding and a bit of AI. A recreation of Monkey Ball is made next, working with the tilt functionality of mobile devices while exploring sound effects and particle systems. The last game is a recreation of Angry Birds, working with Physics, playing with parallax scrolling backgrounds, and persistent high scores between levels. The final chapter covers tips, tricks, warnings, and few custom tools for working with Unity and Android. Learning Unity Android Game Development was published in January 2015.